Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guest Blog Thursday - Interview Rebel Beauregard, the Biscuit-Coated Samoyed, Part 2

Hi everyone - sorry about last week. Daddy's Daddy is doing better so thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers.

As promised here is the second installment of the interview with Rebel.
Remember my questions are in
blue, Rebel's answers are in gray/black and my responses are in red.

Regarding humans and your people, what do you find to be the most interesting thing about them? What amuses you most about them (they do such funny things sometimes)?

About Humans: They really are fascinating creatures to watch. They do a lot of different things that are humorous. I think it's interesting that so many of them think that intimidation will work to control their dogs, especially when working obedience or on sheep. Their skin turns this odd color and they start shouting between clenched teeth. The dog doesn't do anything differently because of them, but they think it helps. What does my Mom do when I don't listen? She just stops and laughs. She understands that sometimes it isn't her day to be in control. After it's all said and done, Mom says it's all about us spending time together, not the ribbons or titles that are most important. (It is sooo much fun spending time with my humans - it's the best! Your Mom sounds really cool, glad she laughs when you're "improving her ideas with a Samoyed spin.") :)

I see on your Facebook page that you're quite fluffy & pretty, like me. Do people like to stare at you and your prettyness and how do you feel when they do that? (I don't like it as I think it's rude - so I bark at them - but if Momma or Daddy says it's ok and the people come up to me nicely then they can tell me I'm pretty and that's ok).

Staring People: Usually the short ones (the kids) will come approach me after staring. I really like that. It's the grown-ups that just stare me in the eyes that freak me out. I think it reminds me of that old mean Dad in my first home that kicked me, and it's a challenge in dog language. I know they don't mean to challenge me, but I give them a "Wooooooo!" to let them know I'm not a sissy.

I do get a lot of people who approach me after Mom tells them how to do it, and in my 'safe places' like school or at the dog trials, I'll let them pet me. It's interesting how many of them walk away with big smiles after meeting me. I guess it's a good thing to spread a little canine joy when you can! They don't call us the breed with "Christmas in their hearts all year long" for no reason! *wink*
(Sounds like you accept strangers a lot easier than us Aussies's - we like our people but are wary of strangers. I find I like to herd the short ones, but I'm not really supposed to.)

Actually you're considerably fluffier than me - how does that make you feel in this heat? Do you get really hot? do you like the heat or do you prefer the snow? (personally, I prefer the white stuff)

The Heat: Woah, it's unbelievable, being a fella in South Carolina. Today it's over 100 degrees, but that's okay, I get to spend the day inside with my pack. Mom's a lightweight too, so she never pushes me too much in the heat. However, it was funny when we went to the Samoyed Family Reunion (the humans call it the Samoyed National Specialty Dog Show) a couple of years ago. It was 85 degrees, and some dogs (and their people) couldn't handle the heat at the herding trial. I came to life...I could manage just fine. It's because I have had to adapt to this high humidity and heat as a local pup. The others don't have to deal with it on a regular basis, so they couldn't handle it.

I've seen the white stuff about three times my entire life. I hear about it, but I have faint memories of how glorious the stuff is. I wish I could go play in it right now, though! (White stuff is so - much - FUN! Did you read my "Ode to White Stuff"? It doesn't shop up here often but when it does I have a blast! I hope you get to see more of it someday.)

I read you got to go to the ocean - what was that like?

The Ocean: Woah, that is one weird critter. I still don't understand what it's all about, as it attacks you at the ankles and doesn't seem to have an end to it. Mom and Dad laugh, especially when it bites you in the butt! I do enjoy going for walks along the shore with the pack and someday, I will find that fish I keep smelling. Man, do I love seafood! (The Ocean sounds kinda scary - you're so brave. Gus is brave too.)

I understand about the difficulties of being a model - my Momma's a photographer too and she likes to carry that camera around - just like your Daddy. Do you like having your picture taken?

Modeling: I have always been a big fan of the camera. I'll let you in on a secret, Brisco...when you see those big bright lights flash, that's when the humans will bring out the treats! I love to model, especially when I get paid! I have been known to look straight into camera lenses belonging to complete strangers when my Mom and Dad weren't looking. Mom found a pic of me on the 'net from the Family Reunion....and her back was in the photo as she was watching the action in the ring. Meanwhile, here I am, smiling right into this fella's lens. I know how to work it! (Sometimes Mom forgets to pay us for our modeling and we have to remind her by not co-operating. Once she remembers and gets the pay (treats) then I'll help a little more - Gus doesn't like it so much so Momma has to work a little harder. She says when she's photographing other dogs that sometimes they're scared of the camera and she has to really break out the treats then. It doesn't sound like you have that problem though.)

And I think it's really cool that you get to help your Mom with the real estate stuff - you must be a good helper. Do you get to work with her a lot? What other types of things do you do with your people?

Real Estate: Oh yeah, Mom helps people here to migrate like crazy. She lets me come with her to fill flyer boxes and make visits to families as her public relations guy. The kids love to see me, and the feeling is mutual. I also helped to keep a few clients calm during making big decisions to sell/buy and even babysat a puppy while she wrote a contract to buy a house for a client. Recently, I got to escort Mom as she hiked on a new land listing she has. It was so much fun to explore!

I also get to go to schools to bring the book "Stone Fox" to life and Mom's talking about getting me certified with Delta Society so I can participate in a "Reading with Rover" program. I've also done a little weight pull (and won ribbons), pack hikes and rally obedience. Right now Mom and I are working towards getting my Rally Advanced and Working Samoyed titles. I currently have a Canine Good Citizen and Rally Novice titles. (You do a LOT, that's really cool!)

I also saw that you got to herd some sheep? That must have been AWESOME! I haven't had a chance to try it yet - is it fun?

Herding Stuff: Samoyeds are known to be very physical herders. I love to hip check or throw a shoulder into a sheep to move them. If they're still sheep stupid, I'll give 'em a nip to let them know who's boss! It's such a great time! An Aussie Shepherd friend of mine, Maggie is a rescue and she's VERY shy. She was so shy that she would slink away from us dogs (and no one slinks away from me...every dog loves me). She would literally back away and hide from the humans too. Maggie got to meet the sheep, and after herding them a few times, she remembered how great it is to be a herding dog. Now she has more confidence and hangs with us dogs and takes treats and pets from the humans at the herding clinic.

I've even had a showdown with one large, old, biscuit spotted sheep. The humans joked that sheep was mine, since we were marked similarly. He was just as stubborn as me and didn't want to move at my pace. I went eye-to-eye with this sheepie and told him who's boss. Mom held her breath while this battle of wills took place, but she knew I was named Rebel for a reason. I don't take any guff...especially from a dumb sheep! My human friends shouted, "You tell him, Rebel!' and I did. I won that battle, and now that sheep does exactly what I ask without question. Herding is so much fun! (It sounds like such fun! Momma says I'll get to try it someday soon. You're so brave I bet you're really good at it, you show those sheep who's boss - GO REBEL!)

If you could do anything you wanted to do right now - what would that be & why?

What To Do: Hmm, that's a toughie. There are so many things I love to do, but no matter what I'd do it would have to include my Mom. She's so much fun and a good sport. She tells me that if I get to go to my Family Reunion this year, I'll get to go on a five mile pack hike and herd sheep on the same day. That sounds like a great time to me! But in the meantime, I'll rest up in the "Dogloo" and stay cool until then!

Thanks so much for doing the interview, Rebel. And thanks to your Mom for the help. It was really awesome getting to know you better. By the way congrats on achieving the 100 hundred fan mark on your Facebook page. Just goes to show what a cool fella you are. Momma says we'll keep watching your FB page for updates. Life is fun!

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