Sunday, August 9, 2009

HOT Again!

I'm not really sure what happened. It was hot but then it was tolerable for quite a while - now it's hot again! This hotness is one of the very few things that I do not find fun in life. Not one bit! Altho-o-u-gh - it is kinda fun when Daddy get's my pool out and I dip my paws in it for a few minutes, maybe dunk after a treat or toy or something - that's fun! Ice cubes are always good and so are those Mr. Barksmith's Cool Treats Smoothies, they're pretty yummy - we only get those when it's hot. Hopefully someday we'll get to try those Frosty Paws that Rebel is always talking about - a pup can dream.
Maybe when Daddy gets home I'll talk him into the pool thing and a Cool Treats, yea life is Fun!

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